Did Littlewoods Bingo Fake This Win?

While browsing YouTube recently we stumbled across a ‘behind the scenes’ video that had been uploaded back in 2008 that allegedly showed the moment an actress filming a Littlewoods Bingo advert won £500.

The person who uploaded this video has no other videos on their profile, comments are disabled and although 10 people like it, 9 dislike it.

All of this, and the dodgy response from the guy holding the microphone boom, lead me to believe this video was in fact staged and meant to look like an out-take.

The main actress seems pretty convincing for most of the clip, but the other members of the film crew don’t appear to be at the same standard of acting.

Also, why when filming an advert would you actually need to play the game? Surely in this day of video editing and special effects they would just put that in afterwards?

Very suspicious indeed. What do you think?